Know Before You Go: What to Expect Before Scheduling Your Physical Exam in Getwell

physical exam


Are you considering getting a physical exam in the near future? Has it been a while since you’ve sat down with a doctor to talk about your health? What should you expect when you go to your GP for this basic exam?

Going to the doctor for any reason can be an anxiety-inducing endeavor. But with some preparation and forethought, you’ll be set for a great appointment. Keep reading for some advice we think all of our patients should consider.

Fill Your Paperwork out Early

Like any doctor’s appointment, it’s important to get as much of your paperwork filled out ahead of time as possible. This saves you time in the waiting room. It also allows office staff a chance to get ahead of their daily paperwork. 

Consider downloading your patient forms from the Getwell site and filling them out at your leisure. 

Organize Your Medical History

When it comes to talking to a new doctor you’ve never seen before, it’s important to have your medical history laid out. Knowing what medical procedures you’ve had, past illnesses, and any sort of family medical issues that might affect you will help your doctor. 

Having test results from past screenings, any emergency room documentation, and copies of x-rays, etc. will help you discuss your health with your doctor. It is also recommended to bring these since the medical practitioner you see in urgent care may not be the same each time you visit. 

Know Your Medications

Another aspect of keeping your medical history organized is knowing what medications you’re on. It’s important to be upfront about your past and present drug use. If you have to go on something new, there may be interactions or side-effects the doctor may not be able to plan for if you’re not aware of your medication history. 

Make a list before you go to your doctor’s office. It’s also important to be upfront about any illegal drug use you may take part in. This may seem scary but doctors must know what their patients are ingesting daily.

It will allow them to make an educated prescription to better your health. 

Have Questions? Ask Them!

Going to the doctor can be overwhelming. If you’ve noticed some changes in your body or your overall health, make sure you bring this up with your doctor. 

Physicals are a great time to ask about health changes you might want to make. It can also be a good time to sit down with your doctor and talk about medication changes. 

Your doctor is there to answer your questions and give you the peace of mind you need to maintain your health. 

Make the Most of Your Physical Exam 

While physical exams by no means guarantee your overall health, it does help to have a consistent schedule you can maintain with your doctors. 

Physicals are a great time to bring up any health concerns or changes in medications you may want to make. Consider giving us a call today to find out more about how to get a physical done at Getwell.