Can You Get the Flu More Than Once in One Season?


Most people know the misery of being sick with the flu—perhaps you’ve already had it this season. Suddenly, you’re sick with a fever, body aches, and other flu symptoms. Could this be the flu again? It is possible—let’s explore why. At Getwell Urgent Care in Southaven, Mississippi, we want to help you recognize the flu … Continued

Finding Relief for Respiratory Illness


Are you fighting a lingering cough? Is your child congested and having difficulty sleeping? Such is the unfortunate reality of winter and the respiratory illnesses that often come with it. When you’re coughing, congested, or short of breath, you may wonder where to turn for relief. For many respiratory illnesses, urgent care is a great … Continued

Why Are My Allergies Worse After Moving to a New Area?


For those who suffer from allergies, escaping allergy symptoms after relocating to a new area would be wonderful. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Let’s explore why allergies can sometimes be worse after a move. If you deal with allergies, it’s good to know that help is within reach. Our experienced team at Getwell Urgent … Continued

Minor Injuries: Home Remedies and Urgent Care


When you or a loved one experience a bruise, cut, or burn, it can be a stressful experience. You may not know what to do or when to get help. At Getwell Urgent Care in Southaven, MS, we want you to be equipped with the knowledge you need to handle injuries like these. Let’s explore … Continued

When To Go to Urgent Care for Persistent Vomiting


It is important to know when to get help for persistent vomiting. Most of us have experienced the discomfort of nausea and vomiting. Maybe you ate something that didn’t agree with you. Perhaps you got sick with a bug and suffered from brief nausea. Sometimes, vomiting can be persistent, resulting in dangerous dehydration. The good … Continued

Should I Go to Urgent Care for Pink Eye?


Are your eyes itchy, red, watery, or burning? You may have pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is a common condition and can be treated in an urgent care setting. If you are experiencing acute pain in one or both eyes and changes in your vision, you should visit an emergency room, as this … Continued

The Difference Between a UTI and Kidney Infection: Here’s What to Know


Urinary tract infections and kidney infections are often grouped together, but they differ in severity and impact on the body.  Understanding the nuances between these conditions is crucial for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment. Let’s delve into the specifics of UTIs versus kidney infections to recognize their differences, symptoms, and appropriate treatments. Continue reading to … Continued

Bladder Infection vs. UTI: Understanding the Differences 


Knowing the differences between bladder and urinary tract infections (UTIs) is vital for effective management and treatment.  While they share similarities, these urinary tract conditions have distinct characteristics that require specific attention and care. If you or a loved one are living with symptoms of a bladder infection or UTI, our team at Getwell Urgent … Continued

Can Urgent Care Prescribe Antibiotics for a Puncture Wound? 


When faced with a puncture wound, your immediate concern is typically your health and safety.  Puncture wounds may appear minor on the surface and can pose serious risks if not addressed appropriately. If you or a loved one have sustained a puncture wound, we are here to help. We encourage you to visit our urgent … Continued

When to Visit Urgent Care for Dehydration


According to the National Institute of Health, nearly 75% of Americans have chronic dehydration. While mild dehydration can often be managed at home by increasing fluid intake, severe dehydration can be a medical emergency.  In this blog post, we will discuss dehydration, the symptoms of severe dehydration, and whether urgent care facilities can treat it, … Continued