5 Summer Safety Tips That’ll Allow You To Have Fun in the Sun

Little boy standing on a ropes-course bridge


Summer is here and with it comes water sports, outdoor activities, late night barbecues and more! Unfortunately, in addition to all of that fun, Summer can also bring soaring temperatures.

In South Haven, Mississippi, those temperatures can get up to around 100 degrees.

Heat like that can mean additional health risks you’re not normally susceptible to during cooler months of the year.

To help ensure your health and safety this Summer, our team has put together this list of easy to follow summer safety tips. Our hope is that, with this guidance, you’ll be able to squeeze every last drop of joy out of the season!

1) Wear Sunscreen

This tip is at the top of most health organization’s Summer safety tips and for good reason. Sunscreen can protect you from aggressive burns which can lead to severe peeling, injury, and even skin cancer.

When shopping for sunscreen, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting a bottle that’s rated as at least 30 SPF and has a UVA rating of above 4 stars. Anything below 30 SPF does not offer you adequate protection!

2) Stay Hydrated

Summer carries with it the risk of heat stroke. This risk is particularly exacerbated in the elderly and with very young people. To make sure that you and your loved ones are protected, always have drinking water on hand when you’re out and about.

Carrying around a refillable BPA safe bottle can add enjoyment to your day and help you avoid a potentially serious safety situation.

3) Stick to Shaded Areas

Even with sunscreen and water present, exposure to hot sunlight for extended periods increases the risk of health complications. If you’re going to be in a sunny place for a long period of time, it’s recommended that you have shade to enjoy.

If your location doesn’t have trees or other natural shade providing elements, bring along an umbrella or at very least a large sun hat to stay protected.

4) Supervise Children During Water Play

One of the highlights of Summer is getting in the water. Whether you’re at the beach, on a lake, or in a public pool, never take your eyes off of children while they’re swimming.

3,500 people die from unintentional drownings every year. To make sure your loved one doesn’t add to that statistic vigilant supervision is key.

5) Sport Sunglasses

Not only do sunglasses look great but they also offer a bevy of health benefits. Keeping your eyes safe from harsh light with glasses can help prevent things like Cataracts, Pinguecula, and degeneration of vision.

This is particularly true with young children or those with light colored eyes.

Wrapping Up Summer Safety Tips

When people think about Summer, they think about unlimited possibilities and endless fun. In addition to those two excellent associations, you should also get in the habit of associating the season with Summer safety tips.

Doing simple things like giving your body and skin adequate protection from rays, staying hydrated and supervising activities can make all the difference in ensuring you enjoy the summer months to their fullest!

Getwell Urgent Care is South Haven Mississippi’s premier partner in health. We help members of our community be their best, most healthy selves so they can be ready to enjoy the best things in life.

If you need help meeting your health goals or need medical attention, let us take our expertise and get you back on track.

Contact us today for more information or walk-in to our clinic during business hours to get the care you need!